She fooled us though, we were able to visit her 2 times in Haiti, each visit lasted about a week. She would never smile, talk, laugh, or look us in the eye. The only time I ever seen a little hint of a smile is when I was kissing her neck, it must have tickled her because she let out a quite little laugh and a small smile, and then it was gone.
After being home for less than 2 days, she was a totally different child. She would smile, laugh, play, dance, want to be snuggled and kissed. She still does all of these things, plus she talks nonstop.
This is Ashlynn's referral picture. When we looked at this picture of her we knew that she was ours!!

When you are going through an adoption you look so forward to any new information and new photos!! Here are a few more of her in Haiti.

It took us 18 months to get Ashlynn home.
This is Ashlynn on the airplane leaving Haiti.

It is hard to believe that this is the same little girl, after only a few months home.
And here she is today. What a beautiful, sweet, smart, and sometimes stubborn little girl. I'm so blessed to be able to be her mom. I love this girl so much!!!!
She hardly looks like the same little girl! What a beautiful smile, and you can see how happy and loved she is. It is in her eyes.
It is so good to see a new post from one of my favorite families in the world! Ashlyn is so beautiful and I cried when I read this post. We are so blessed to have her in our family! I love you guys!! :)
I knew it was a heart wrenching time for you, but seeing the pictures put it in perspective. She just needed to be home didn't she? What a little beauty.
What a beautiful FAMILY you have. WOW! I look forwarding to following your blog. We have chosen two children at LH and have one son at home adopted at birth. We live in the Burley Idaho area.
This made me all teary! She is so beautiful!
That was such a touching post. I'm so happy she has you and enjoys being part of your family (who wouldn't?!). I can't imagine having to go back home and leaving her as a baby. She is a gorgeous little girl - you can see her personality shining! come HOME from Haiti???? :P
Congrats to you on your lovely anniversary!
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